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Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 8, 2024


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and vendors while doing business with goTRG LLP and others who have access to personally identifiable information (PII) also referred to as consumer information (“personal data”) in connection with goTRG LLP’s operating activities.


goTRG LLP is committed to protecting the security, confidentiality, and privacy of its information resources including California consumers’ personal data in accordance with the requirements set forth in ISO 27701 and all relevant privacy frameworks, laws and regulations. Personal data shall only be processed when there is a legal basis to do so, data shall be managed to ensure that security, confidentiality, and privacy are maintained, and data will be used only for authorized purposes. All employees and contractors of goTRG LLP share the responsibility for safeguarding personal data to which they have access.

When performing commercial activities in support of goTRG LLP products and services that impacts consumer personal data (PII), goTRG LLP may engage in certain activities which may require it to receive, store, process, transmit, create, or access and use data which may trigger compliance requirements with the provisions applicable to privacy regulations. This policy and the data privacy and information security policies adopted hereunder are intended to support the mission of goTRG LLP and to facilitate data processing activities that are important to goTRG LLP by:

  • Ensuring compliance with requirements imposed by relevant data privacy regulations
  • Providing for the establishment of data privacy policies that set forth, among other things, the required technical, physical, and administrative safeguards to maintain the security, confidentiality, and privacy of personal data
  • Setting forth the roles and responsibilities necessary for goTRG LLP to meet its obligations with respect to activities related to the processing of personal data

goTRG LLP shall post a public-facing Privacy Notice (i.e. Privacy Policy). The notice shall be available at or before the point of collection, shall be easy to read and shall:

  • use plain language and avoid jargon
  • use a format that is readable including on small screens
  • be available in the languages in which the company conducts the business
  • reasonably accessible to consumers with disabilities in accordance with Web Content Accessibility guidelines version 2.1.
  • contain a meaningful description of categories of personal information collected
  • the business purpose for collection
  • include a link titled "Do-Not-Sell-My-Personal-Information" if the business sells personal information of California residents
  • include a link to the privacy policy (if different)

If the company sells the personal information of California residents, a notice of right to opt-out of the sale of personal information shall:

  • be posted on the web page to which the consumer is directed after collecting the "Do-Not-Sell-My-Personal-Information" link
  • be provided within a mobile application such as through the settings menu
  • be provided through an offline method if the company does not have a website
  • be provided orally if the information is collected over the phone

Notice of right to opt-out shall include:

  • description of consumer's right to opt-out the sale of their personal information
  • an interactive form by which consumers can opt-out
  • offline or alternative methods to opt-out

Roles and Responsibilities

Policy Adoption

goTRG LLP shall, in cooperation with relevant stakeholders, develop and adopt necessary and appropriate data privacy policies, which will include, among other things, the technical, physical, and administrative safeguards required to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of personal data, and protect personal data against reasonably anticipated threats or hazards and unauthorized uses or disclosures. All relevant goTRG LLP stakeholders shall cooperate with goTRG LLP in the development and implementation of the policies.

goTRG LLP Information Security and Data Privacy Policies are a component of the policies and implement controls which support compliance with all relevant data privacy regulations.

Responsible Person

Larry Velman, VP of Technology ( has been assigned responsibility for overall oversight of goTRG LLP’s Data Privacy Compliance Program, also known as the Privacy Information Management System (PIMS).

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Slava Kokaev ( has been assigned the role of Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the goTRG LLP’s Data Privacy Compliance Program, also known as the Privacy Information Management System (PIMS).

In accordance with Article 39 of the GDPR, the DPO shall perform the following tasks:

  1. Inform and advise the controller or the processor and the employees who carry out processing of their obligations pursuant to this Regulation and to other Union or Member State data protection provisions;
  2. Monitor compliance with this Regulation, with other Union or Member State data protection provisions and with the policies of the controller or processor in relation to the protection of personal data, including the assignment of responsibilities, awareness-raising and training of staff involved in processing operations, and the related audits;
  3. Provide advice where requested as regards the data protection impact assessment and monitor its performance pursuant to Article 35;
  4. Cooperate with the supervisory authority;
  5. Act as the contact point for the supervisory authority on issues relating to processing, including the prior consultation referred to in Article 36, and to consult, where appropriate, with regard to any other matter.


Data Protection and Regulatory Compliance

All personal data requires a legal basis for processing, and will be accessible on a strict need-to-know basis. Personal data is to be kept confidential and must be protected and safeguarded from unauthorized access, modification and disclosure.

  • Storage and Transmission: Personal data must be encrypted, with strong cryptography, whenever stored on or transmitted by goTRG LLP systems
  • Disposal: Paper records must be securely shredded prior to disposal. Electronic media must be securely wiped, sanitized or physically destroyed prior to disposal or reuse
  • Awareness Training: Relevant personnel will receive appropriate training on their information security and data privacy responsibilities with regard to relevant regulations and the handling of personal data as well as the Consumer (Data Subject) Access Request (DSAR) procedure. Relevant persons shall be trained to properly direct consumers in the exercise of their privacy rights.
  • goTRG LLP will not transmit personally identifiable information (PII) to any third-party or vendor until an appropriate Data Protection Addendum (DPA), or sufficient contract language, has been fully executed by goTRG LLP and the third-party.
  • goTRG LLP shall not sell the personal information or minors or of persons who have previously opted out of sales, without explicit permission and shall not ask for permission for at least twelve (12) months after a consumer has opted-out
  • goTRG LLP shall ensure that no service providers continue to sell PII after a consumer has opted out
  • goTRG LLP shall not use PII provided for the purposes of opting-out of a sale for any other purpose
  • goTRG LLP shall not deny goods or services or otherwise discriminate against (i.e. charge different prices, or offer different levels of service) persons for exercising their privacy rights
  • goTRG LLP shall provide at least two methods for consumers to submit data access requests including an email address or webform
  • Responses to access requests shall cover at least the preceding twelve (12) months
  • goTRG LLP shall locate data in all relevant systems in response to access requests
  • A public-facing Privacy Policy shall include a description of consumers’ rights and shall be updated at least every twelve (12) months
  • PII collected for the purposes of responding to a SAR shall not be used for any other purpose
  • goTRG LLP shall not sell any PII without posting a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link on the company homepage and Privacy Policy for consumers to opt-out of any sale.
  • goTRG LLP shall provide at least two methods for opting out of sales of PII which are consistent with the manner in which the company typically interacts with customers
  • goTRG LLP will allow consumers to opt-out of sales via web browser plugin or other privacy setting
  • When goTRG LLP offers an opt-out of a specific use, it shall also offer a global opt-out
  • goTRG LLP shall ensure that opt-out requests are honored as soon as feasibly possible and within fifteen (15) days in all cases
  • goTRG LLP shall establish a process for consumers to submit requests via an authorized agent
  • goTRG LLP shall ensure that a written contract is established with all service providers that prohibits the service provider from retaining, using, or disclosing the personal information for any purpose other than the specific purpose specified in the contract
  • Service providers shall only use, retain or disclose PII for the following purposes:
  • Service providers shall only use, retain or disclose PII for the following purposes:
    1. to provide service on behalf of the controller
    2. to employ another service provider
    3. to improve service quality
    4. to detect security incidents and or fraud to comply with the law or law enforcement
  • goTRG LLP shall inform consumers of the company’s privacy practices at or before any PII collection. The Privacy Notice shall be made available via a link titled “privacy” on the company’s homepage.
  • goTRG LLP shall deny access requests where the requestor’s identity cannot be reasonable verified
  • goTRG LLP in any case where the company has a legal basis for denying a consumer request, it shall provide an explanation of its decision to the consumer including a reference to the relevant laws or regulations
  • goTRG LLP shall provide a individual response to each requestor and not refer them to a policy or provide a generic response
  • goTRG LLP may de-identify personal information in response to a request for deletion
  • goTRG LLP shall not be required to delete personal information from backups unless the backups are restored, accessed or disclosed
  • goTRG LLP may retain records of completed deletion requests for compliance purposes
  • goTRG LLP shall deny fraudulent requests with an explanation as to why they believe the request is fraudulent
  • goTRG LLP shall not share mobile information with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes
  • Opt-out processes shall require minimal steps and no multi-step opt-out process shall not have more steps than the opt-in process
  • Opt-in processes shall have two steps: an opt-in request followed by a verification of the request
  • When a consumers who have opted-out attempt to use a service that requires opt-in, the company shall inform the consumer how to opt-in
  • When the company collects personal information that a consumer would not reasonably expect from a mobile device then it shall provide a just-in-time notice containing a summary of categories collected and a link to the full notice.

Breach Notification

Notification of any reportable unauthorized use or disclosure of personal data will be sent to affected parties, Data Controllers, and relevant regulators in accordance with all applicable notification requirements and the Incident Response Policy.

Identity Verification

goTRG LLP shall establish and document a reasonable method for verifying the identity of a requestor which shall not require a fee from the consumer.

The company shall implement reasonable security measures to detect and prevent fraudulent identity-verification activity.

Where a consumer maintains a password protected account with a company, the company may verify their identity using existing authentication practices.

Before providing categories of personal information, the company shall verify the identity of requesters to a "reasonable degree of certainty." Before providing specific pieces of personal information or honoring a deletion request, a company shall verify the identity of requesters to a "high degree of certainty," depending on the sensitivity of the personal information or the risk of harm from an unauthorized deletion request.

A company shall consider the following criteria when determining a verification method:

  • whenever feasible identifying information provided by a requestor should be matched with identifying information already maintained by the company, or use a third-party identification service
  • avoid collecting unnecessary personal information
  • consider the sensitivity of information requested, the risk of harm to the consumer, the likelihood of fraud, the manner in which the business interacts with the consumer and the availability of verification technology.

A company shall avoid personal information unless needed to verify the identity of the requestor. A company shall delete personal information collected for the purpose of verification as soon as possible after processing the request.

If there is no reasonable method by which a company can verify the identity of the consumer to the degree of certainty required by this section, the business shall state so in response to any request and explain why it has no reasonable method by which it can verify the identity of the requestor. If the company has no reasonable method by which it can verify any consumer, the company shall explain why it has no reasonable verification method in its privacy policy. The company shall evaluate and document whether a reasonable method can be established at least once every 12 months.

Consumer (Data Subject) Access Requests (DSAR/SAR)

Subject to the exceptions noted below in this policy, goTRG LLP will comply with any SAR concerning the following rights of the consumer:

  • Access (a copy of the personal data undergoing processing)
  • Rectification of personal data (correction of data stored or processed)
  • Erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)
  • Notification regarding rectification or erasure
  • Objection to processing (withdrawal of consent to processing)
  • Right to opt-out of any sale of PII (i.e. Do Not Sell requests)

SAR/DSAR Response Requirements:

Responses to access requests shall include the following data points as appropriate.

  • Categories of PII collected
  • Categories of PII sold and disclosed to third parties

SAR when goTRG LLP is the data controller:

  • SAR must be made using the link on goTRG LLP’s privacy page and If the consumer has a password-protected account on goTRG LLP systems, the company may provide an “interface” or self-service mechanism that the consumer is instructed to use to initiate the SAR process.
  • A SAR can also be made using the email address:
  • A SAR may be made using the webform available on the company website
  • Where required, the consumer must provide reasonable evidence of their identity in the form of valid identification, for example, email verification.
  • When submitting the SAR via the interface, the consumer must identify the SAR type that is being requested, e.g., erasure.
  • If a SAR is submitted by an agent, the submission must include the identification of the consumer as well as a signed authorization from the consumer. goTRG LLP must make reasonable efforts to verify the identity of the consumer and legitimacy of all requests submitted by authorized agents.
  • If a SAR is received which does not meet goTRG LLP criteria, the goTRG LLP shall inform the consumer or agent how to correct the SAR in order to receive a response from goTRG LLP.

SAR requirements:

  • The date by which the SAR is submitted, identification is verified, and the specification of the SAR request type must be recorded; goTRG LLP will acknowledge any manual requests within 10 business days. The acknowledgement will describe the verification process and when the consumer should expect a response.
  • goTRG LLP has thirty (30) days from the initial request date to complete the request. If the company cannot respond within thirty days, it shall provide notice to the consumer. In California, the company may extend the response timeline up to an additional forty-five (45) days.
  • The SAR application will be documented and can be audited using goTRG LLP’s internal processes.
  • goTRG LLP shall ensure that deletion and correction requests are sent to subprocessors as needed

Compelled Disclosure

goTRG LLP governs the compelled disclosure of customer Personally Identifiable Information pursuant to valid third-party legal demands for such information, such as court orders, search warrants, subpoenas, government investigations, and similar demands, and is incorporated by reference into goTRG LLP’s Privacy Policy.

In no cases shall personal information be voluntarily provided to law enforcement or any regulatory agency without the express written consent of the Data Controller or Data Subject.

Upon receipt of legal demands for information, goTRG LLP will immediately notify the Chief Legal Officer , CEO and Data Privacy Officer (DPO).  

goTRG LLP shall immediately notify any relevant Data Controllers unless prohibited by law.

The Chief Legal Officer in connection with the CEO and Data Privacy Officer will determine the goTRG LLP’s response to law enforcement and affected third parties, including data subjects.

If determined to be appropriate by legal, and executive management, the goTRG LLP will investigate the demands, and if it is determined at goTRG LLP’s sole discretion that they are valid, we will search for and disclose the information that is specified and that we are reasonably able to locate and provide. goTRG LLP shall not process overly broad or vague demands, and will not disclose information that is not specifically demanded, except in response to follow-up demands.

goTRG LLP may contact customers if we are compelled to disclose their information pursuant to valid legal demands for such information, but we are not required to do so, and in some instances, we may be legally prohibited from doing so.

All external communications with customers, regulators and law enforcement shall be approved by goTRG LLP’s Chief Legal Officer and Data Privacy Officer as appropriate.


The VP of Technology, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Information Security Officer are responsible for the enforcement of this policy.

Employees who may have questions should contact local Information Security, IT or HR management as appropriate.

Disciplinary Action

Failure to comply with any provision of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, termination.

Records Retention and Metrics

A record of all consumer requests shall be maintained for at least twenty-four (24) months and shall include the following elements:

  • request date
  • nature of request
  • request method
  • date of company response
  • nature of company response
  • basis for any denial

Records of consumer requests shall not be shared with any third party except as necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

A company that buys, sells, or shares for commercial purposes the personal information of 10,000,000 or more consumers in a calendar year shall maintain and publish the following metrics:

  1. the number of requests "to know" received and processed
  2. the number of requests "to delete" received and processed
  3. the number of requests "to opt-out" received and processed
  4. the median number of days to respond

The company shall include a link to these metrics in its privacy policy and shall update this information by July 1st annually, and shall implement a documented privacy training policy.

Disclosures Log

A record of all non-standard disclosures of PII to third parties, including compelled disclosures to law enforcement and/or regulators shall be logged in Appendix A.


All suspected violations or potential violations of this policy, no matter how seemingly insignificant, must promptly be reported either to goTRG LLP’s Data Privacy Officer immediately.

As long as a report is made honestly and in good faith, goTRG LLP will take no adverse action against any person based on the making of such a report. Failure to report known or suspected wrongdoing of which you have knowledge may subject you to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Applicable Laws, Regulations and Standards

  • ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System (PIMS)
  • SOC 2 Privacy Criterion
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) / California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)
  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
  • Colorado Privacy Act
  • Connecticut Data Privacy Act
  • Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act
  • Utah Consumer Privacy Act